Jelyco, llc is born

It's been a long haul, but my latest and greatest project is ready to go live. I've joined up with a great friend from college (follow her twitter feed @lynndro) to start a full-service interactive business that focuses on young company branding.

We both decided that the typical 8am-5pm lifestyle was not in our best interest and we could make a better impact on the world by being our own bosses. Sure, that's easier said than done, but we've taken that first step and have become a recognized business in Houghton County, Michigan

So in an effort to get the word out, we'll be hitting up twitter and our own personal blogs. We have excellent background in design, programming, server management, brand design, and writing. From a web stance, we work mostly in PHP, XHTML, CSS, and jQuery, but also have knowledge of ColdFusion and Perl. I can't really say much about the design as I don't get to touch that much.

If you or someone you know is looking to make a grande web entrance, shoot over to the Jelyco Contact page and tell us what's up.